Current listening: “Lazarus”, from Bowie’s late, great Blackstar.

Current listening: Matthew Shipp, I’ve Been to Many Places. I especially like his version of “Summertime.”

Success! Finished uploading old WP posts to my new Jekyll-based site. Next adventure: a custom domain?

J.M. Coetzee’s early poetry was written in binary, hex, & FORTRAN, anticipating the digital-humanities turn by decades.

On my commutes, I’ve been listening to Tony Judt’s Postwar. It’s a remarkable book, & I will write more later—but for now, I just wanted to say I have only 19 hours left in this 43 hour long behemoth!

Digging moss with Nana.

Current listening: my local symphony orchestra’s recordings of Beethoven’s symphonies.

Two of the great moral philosophers of recent history are Bernard Williams and Alaisdair MacIntyre. This essay does an admirable job articulating the differences between the two thinkers—the former a pessimistic and skeptical classical liberal, the latter a pessimistic Catholic traditionalist.

Joshua Cohen is the guest on this week’s episode of Bookworm, discussing his new novel, Moving Kings. It’s an incredible conversation about what sounds like a superb book—do check both out.

Spending a big chunk of the afternoon trying to set up my personal site and microblog with Jekyll & GitHub Pages. As always, it’s far more complicated than expected—but also very enjoyable, deep work.