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The wisdom of simplicity: an interview with Uruguya's former president José Mujica 🔗

A brief, powerful interview with Uruguay’s former philosopher-president, who is now battling cancer.

Though I disagree with him on many things, he has a lot of profound, simple wisdom to share:

Humans can create infinite needs. The market dominates us, and it robs us of our lives. Humanity needs to work less, have more free time and be more grounded. Why so much garbage? Why do you have to change your car? Change the refrigerator? There is only one life and it ends. You have to give meaning to it. Fight for happiness, not just for wealth.

What meaning can we give to life? Man, compared to other animals, has the ability to find a purpose…. If you find it, you will have something to live for. Those who investigate, those who play music, those who love sports, anything. Something that fills your life.

The book is the greatest invention of man. It’s a shame that people read so little. They don’t have time.

Four years ago, I threw [my phone] away. It made me crazy. All day talking nonsense. We must learn to speak with the person inside us. It was him who saved my life. Since I was alone for many years, that has stayed with me. When I’m in the field working with the tractor, sometimes I stop to see how a little bird constructs its nest.